

What is the six week

bootcamp about?

Our six week bootcamps are...

Life Changing!  We offer a 6 Week Integration Bootcamp that we call the MindBodySoul Initiative. Integration of messages, revelations, and a-ha moments received during healing is very often disregarded but a necessary step in the healing process. We go through the difficult experience of facing ourselves and then forget that we must apply what we have learned. In order to increase the way we process traumatic events, fears, anxieties, and medicine journeys we must reshape our mindframe, direct it, and channel it in the direction of our chosen goal. 

During each weekly session we learn one or more different integration strategies or modalities that we can use to process our newfound excitement received during a sacred journey or processing of residual emotions from those journeys. If it's pain, grief or regret, we need to have tools to integrate those emotions as well.


It is very important when coming out of your medicine journeys to integrate your newfound power with positivity and directed intentions. While you're standing in your power it is essential to create a forward momentum to ensure that the lessons stick and you have a direction for the next part of your healing. If you were faced with demons or shedding your ego, it is extremely important to build positive intentions moving forward. They were presented for a reason and that was to face them, release them with love, and rebuild yourself into the greater being you wish to be. We address this for your Ego will try to talk you out of growing. Fear, anger, and pain keeps the Ego in power over you. Selflove, positivity, and love for life is the way to take your power back. We will introduce the Universal laws to assist us in giving us this right direction. We have all heard of the Law of Attraction and asking for what we want. But knowing and using all of the 12 universal laws ensure that your dreams and prayers will truly be answered. And you are on your way to

becoming whole, fulfilled and enlightened.


During our week 2 meeting we will discuss the benefits of meditation, how to meditate, why we meditate, and how you will fit it into your integration process. Having an opportunity to meditate daily is truly a gift to yourself. Meditation reminds us to be present in the Now, which is the only moment that we are living in. Meditation is an intentional reflection of self and gives us an opportunity to reflect on the previous day and prepare for the day ahead. If you have a lot on your mind, taking 5 minutes to slow your brain down can really clear out much of the mindclutter so you can focus. Doing this daily will develop of pattern of peace in you.  Also included in this week we will talk about your chakras which are your divine energy centers. We will learn about our 7 main chakras, how they work for us, and how they are connected to your soul and divine self.  We will do a chakra purification and activation to get these chakras spinning, working together, and working for you. You will receive guidance on this and the mantras will be shared with you to use and continue to fortify

the power within you.

Week 3:

We will learn to breathe again. Breath is the living force of our bodies. Breathwork is the conscious, systematic control of the breath. We use breathwork to improve mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. We do this by intentionally changing our breathing pattern. If you have experienced conscious breathwork before, you may already know how calming, centering, and rejuvenating it can be. We are not getting enough oxygen and using our lungs to their full capacity. Therefore our minds, bodies, and spirits are not operating at full capacity either. Conscious breathing reduces stress, creates feelings of openness, love, peace, gratitude, clarity, communication, and connection. Breathwork also helps release trauma or mental, physical, and emotional blocks, as well as anxiety, depression, fear, grief, and anger. Through our breath we have the ability to produce our own DMT and put ourselves into deep meditation, a euphoric, loving space, and connect us with Source energy. We don’t need medicines for this connection. Medicines are the reminder of this connection.  Breathwork is the integration tool used to understand that we are the medicine. We will also talk about nature, the golden ratio, and how we are one with the universe.

As above, so below.

Week 4:

We will be looking at ourselves closely. When we get triggered and the traumas that we carry come to the surface, those are the best opportunities to face ourselves and grow. These hurt feelings  present as anger, frustration, and aggression and often mistakenly aimed at those we love. Looking at ourselves and analyzing our feelings is how the work happens.  Every situation that we have ever faced has been a test and how we react and respond affects how we view the outside world. To become who we are meant to be, we must point the fingers at ourselves and take responsibility.  We will discuss the power of journaling and free flow writing to help us process past experiences, interpret dreams, and focus on moving forward. We will use the mirror exercise to boost our self-esteem, change our language, and move forward in positivity. We will also utilize the reflective chair exercise to address our repressed traumas by learning how to reenact them, saying what needs to be expressed, and moving on with love and forgiveness. This difficult work is why most of us have turned to medicine, counselling, and other means to deal with them. Facing your shadow self is scary, but the work in conquering and integrating your demons is the path to true freedom.

So within, so without.

Week 5:

We will focus on the body and the importance of integrating strength, peace, and health. While we are having this human experience, our bodies are our space ships and we only get one. If you are truly on your path to self-discovery, growth, and expansion, you can not neglect the body. Not only must we feed and nourish it properly, our cells carry the vibrations of our thoughts.  Our bodies hold an extreme amount of energy as well as traumas.  This energy can cause pain and disease. We must regularly release this energy.   Our bodies are intelligent hardware on their own and respond amazingly to software upgrades (intention, resolve, and positive affirmations) and hardwork through exercise. We only get stronger for the effort and reap all the benefits in feeling good.  Taking care of our bodies should be paramount. We will address exercise regiments, diet and foods, and yoga and its numerous benefits. We will also explore EFT tapping which is an alternative acupressure therapy treatment used to restore balance to your disrupted energy.  Tapping combines elements of stimulation and cognitive therapy through mantras. Tapping can be used to reprogram the mind, body, soul. 

Our Holy Trinity, Simultaneously.

Week 6:

“I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.” This short mantra is clear and concise but vast and reaches deep into the soul. Practiced predominately in the Hawaiian culture, Ho’oponopono means to make right with oneself. The pono is repeated twice to indicate that it should be doubly done, as it is for healing the soul through reconciliation and forgiveness. This week we will know and understand what it means to forgive and how important it is to surrender to oneself. For Ho’oponopono is not just the mantra, there are many facets of this art of forgiveness that we will learn.  We learn that the most important person that we must forgive is ourselves. The Ho’oponopono also teaches us how to purify our bodies and get rid of bad memories and negative feelings. We will learn to face our shadow selves with love, forgiveness, repentance, and gratitude. It teaches us to surrender. The universe works for us not against us, and we are responsible for how we interpret this.  We must learn to be in flow. We must learn to allow source energy to flow unimpeded through our minds, bodies, and souls. Our holy Trinity.  Be prepared. No more hiding. No more holding traumas and regrets.

Only love.

Interested in registering?   We’d love to get you registered!

We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help. 

Book an appointment

Remember who you are!

"Healing may not be so much about getting better, as about letting go of everything that isn't you – all of the expectations, all of the beliefs – and becoming who you are"

Rachel Naomi Remen - Author

*We are not connected to or associated with Mrs Remen or her work in any way.

We just appreciate her words!"

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