

What does integration

mean and why is it important?

Integration is...

the act of bringing together smaller components into a single system that functions as one. We are this ONE! Mind, body, and soul is what we must integrate during our lifetime. Integration is about creating or rebuilding wholeness within ourselves. Many of us seek answers outside of ourselves through others, partners, family, work, social media, hobbies, sports, and travelling for example.  We often seek out other answers when we realize that these external validations can leave us feeling empty and unfulfilled. We may feel drawn to unifying our mind, body, and soul through healing and spiritual means such as yoga, meditation, sacred medicine journeys, and life coaching.

During these journeys you will face your shadow self. The side of us that has been created to strengthen us, protect us, and shield us from the pain of life. We can also call this the Ego. The Ego does not represent us with integrity and love. The Ego operates from a place of fear and will often sabotage us. Integration is recognizing that these are fragmented pieces of who we truly are. Integration is essential to bringing these pieces back to the light, thanking them, forgiving them, transmuting them with love, and finding balance in our souls.

When we become broken, integration is how we rebuild ourselves. We can do this utilizing healing modalities such as sacred medicine journeys, meditation, yoga, and counselling. It is essential that we learn from the messages received during these healing activities. When it comes to childhood abuse, bullying, rape, the death of a loved one, and other traumatic events, we can become trapped in the hurt. Our minds become angry. Our hearts become broken. Our souls become fragmented. We find ourselves stuck in the story and living in the past.

Integration is not about putting it back together the same way. Integration is about understanding and accepting what has happened. Integration is about seeing an opportunity to learn and grow into a stronger being than you were the day before. It is about processing this event with new information and moving forward with forgiveness. And then we can accept our new relationship to the pain with newfound strength and resilience. When we can integrate these life experiences with love, acceptance, and forgiveness, we can live in the present, make ourselves whole, and begin anew, everyday.

We receive many lessons, messages, revelations, and understandings during sacred medicine healings. Integration of these messages is very often disregarded but is a necessary step in the healing process. Without integration, we can be left feeling like we're stuck on the hamster wheel of "what now?" "I feel awesome in my newfound strength! What do I do with this? " We often go through the difficult experience of facing ourselves and then forget that we must apply what we have learned. There are many proven ways to integrate these therapies to heal mind, body, and soul. The best way to be successful in healing yourself is to use a multifaceted approach.

And nothing happens overnight. Daily practice is essential with positive affirmations and right action toward your goal of wholeness.

Integration is what being human is about. The human experience is filled with life, death, love, fear, accomplishment and failure. We have to experience it all. This is what we signed up for. The universe will continue to present us with these hard lessons, lifetime after lifetime, until we learn what is needed, and return to love. We are not victims. We are survivors and conquerors. Goddesses and Gods. kings and queens. Remember who you are. Heal yourself. Return to love.

Live your most authentic life. That is your grand purpose.

You can change your life TODAY! By combining multiple methods of integration to the mind, body, and soul, you can realize relief in many areas of your life. Mentally, physically, and spiritually. With our 6 Week Integration Bootcamp, we will introduce you to and teach you multiple healing modalities to help you heal. It's up to you to pick your favourites.  And then apply them.  Daily.

Let's Talk Triggers...

"Avoiding your triggers isn't healing. Healing happens when you are triggered and you're able to move through the pain, the pattern, and the story, and walk your way to a different ending "

Vienna Pharaon - Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

*We are not connected to or associated with Ms Pharaon or her work in any way.  For more information on Vienna and her work, please visit her website by clicking here.*

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