About Us


We make magic

happen every day!

Dagan Weekes

Lead Program Director & Medicine Carrier

Reiki II, Chakra Purification Activator, Ho'oponopono Forgiveness Mentor, Life Coach

"Hi, I'm Dagan.  I have struggled with my own challenges in life from childhood trauma, substance abuse, and the loss of a child.  I have spent many years healing with the last 2 years solely in integration and learning new modalities to strengthen the ones I already have.  I am looking forward to sharing with you what I have learned so I can assist you in finding your place in the light."

Contact Dagan

Peace Darling

Medicine Carrier & Practitioner

Reiki, Intention Setting, Masters of Psychology, Life Coach

"I have overcome many challenges in life; mostly on my own without the help of others. This was difficult, especially having to walk it alone. Trauma, abandonment, molestation, substance abuse & addiction, severe anxiety & depression, I rose above it all! Sometimes we find ourselves in one or many of these situations and don't know how to cope if we don't have the proper tools.  Working consciously with these medicines means that the intentions we set for ourselves will set the tone for the duration of the journey. Whether we are trying to heal or deal with issues that have been too painful, our intentions must be clear and concise. I will walk you through the various components of setting a meaningful intention for yourself so that you can get the most benefit out of your plant medicine ceremony."

Contact Peace

Natalie Keller

Medicine Carrier & Practitioner

Breathwork coach, Embodiment coach, Medical doctor 

"Being on my own healing path, a lack of integration left me feeling stuck. After realizing that I missed the integration, I started to dive deeply into several integration tools such as breathwork, bodywork, embodiment and dance. I became of my own integration a dedicated coach for the somatic feminine shadow side, embodiment, breathwork, bodywork and dance. Today I facilitate a whole approach of sacred medicines and embodiment tools for integration.  I am extremely grateful to be a part of this integration platform and highly dedicated to help other human beings.  It fills me with light and satisfaction seeing them grow into the best version of themselves."

Contact Natalie

About Us

As sacred medicine carriers, healers, and inter-dimensional beings of light, we understand the importance of integration after medicine journeys.  We know the benefit of counselling through this process, and the struggle people experience while processing traumas and repressed feelings.  If you are having a difficult time knowing what you are processing and why, it can be hard to figure out what to do next.  This is where we come in and we are here to help you in any way we can.

At Heart 'N' Soul Integration we have a team of sacred medicine carriers who have served various medicines. We all come with our own life experience, trainings, and offerings to assist you on your journey.   We are immersed in our work as healers and are ready to assist you. The MindBodySoul Initiative is designed to give you integration tools that you can use immediately and share with others.

Find the freedom you are searching for deep within yourself. 

Let us show you how!

What we do...

Instead of trauma bonding let’s try trauma healing! Instead of unleashing the wrath of your childhood traumas on your next love interest, why not enlist our help in developing a plan for growth?

Integrate your healing with love and forgiveness and get those traumas out of the way. Once they are identified as barriers to your healing, you can start to integrate them, release them with love and light, and you can forgive yourself for holding on to that which no longer serves you. You can move on and start living your best life!

When combined with peace and happiness in our hearts, the mental is fortified with resolve and conviction. With our hearts and our minds aligned with an authentic grand mission, our souls are nourished. Fulfillment can be achieved giving us direction and purpose towards truly knowing ourselves, our life’s goals, and lead us to enlightenment. This is why our multifaceted approach to integration is focused on the mind, body, and soul. Our holy trinity.

In our Integration Bootcamp, you will learn six or more modalities and techniques. The course is designed to help you integrate and process your healing journey as well as give you tools for success in building the next chapter of your life. Whether new on your healing journey, a veteran, or a sacred medicine practitioner ready to offer integration tools to the people that you serve, this is designed for your benefit.

Protect yourself, integrate your lessons and elevate your soul...

"Your spirit guides… your intuition… the voices in your head… they are you. Other versions of you trying to remind you of who you are in this life. They are you from all your other lives giving you the knowledge and wisdom that you have forgotten in this life, so that you may remember who you REALLY are"

Ananya Maitri - Life Coach, Medicine Carrier & Teacher

*For more information on Ananya, please visit her website by clicking here.*

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